Confessions of an Organizer

It’s nearing that time again: the end of one year, and the excitement around a new one we haven’t even met yet. After the stress of the holiday season, many people are happy to see the year come to an end, and don’t care if...

Gratitude has become quite the buzz word and hot topic these days. There are countless studies showing a direct correlation between gratitude and happiness, contributing to a positive and healthy lifestyle. And with Thanksgiving around the corner, gratitude will be on most people’s minds and...

People expect organizers to be perfect 100% of the time, but (I’ll let you in on a little secret) no one is ever perfect 100% of the time. Organizers - like celebrities - are just like everyone else: we put our pants on one leg...

One of my core values in business is to make sure as little as possible from my organizing sessions ends up in the landfill. Maybe it’s because I live in California where we’re a little more eco/green conscious. Maybe it’s because I’m born on Earth...